Students of the Month, Sept. 2024

BT congratulates the four students selected as Students of the Month in September! Keep up the great work. Please read the interviews that Journalism students conducted with each of the students. 

9th: Jarince Lomeli


What are you looking forward to in the future?
Getting a job. 
What has been your greatest goal during your freshman year?
Getting good grades.
Why did you choose to come to BT and what do you hope to get out of it?
I came to BT because I wanted to know more about business.
Describe your 9th grade year in one word. 
Who has made the biggest impact in your 9th grade year?
My friends and Dr. Morales.  
What are your expectations for sophomore year?
I feel like it is going to be a little more difficult next year
 but i’ll try hard to pass.
What subjects are you excelling in? 
All of them. 
What is one goal you have for your 9th grade year?
Passing all my semesters and getting all A’s.

10th: Julissa Cabrera


What effort did you do to become a student of the month?
Turn in all my work in time as soon as I get home from practice .
What are your current goals for this school year? 
Get good grades and pass my AP exam.
What’s your greatest strength?
Effectivley communicate with others spacially when we have PBL .
What's one change you have made recently to become a better learner?
I have been studying more often and always reviewing my work. 
In what ways were you challenged today and why? 
Some ways I challenged myself more is by not letting myself procrastinate 
because it leads to a lot of missing assignments.
How do you problem solve when working with others?
First by communcating and if I see that it doesn’t work then I talk to the
 teachers about it to see if they can help.

11th: Samara Chino


How do you feel now as a junior knowing you only have one more school year left?
I feel excited.
As a junior are you looking into universities/colleges ? 
Yes, one of my goals is to go to university. 
As a junior what was the most difficult part? 
For me it was the English.
What advice would you give the incoming juniors?
Be a good student and focus on your own work. 

12th: Adriana Rojas


As a senior, what are your plans after high school? 
My plans after high school are to become a registered nurse.
What is one of your favorite memories in high school?
My favorite memories in high school has been being in different sports and meeting new people.
What are some things you regret doing during high school?
As a senior sometimes I regret not being more social. 
What are you going to miss about being in high school?
Something i’m going to miss is playing in the schools soccer team. 
Which year do you think went by the fastest?
I think my junior year went by the fastest.