School Policies
2018-2019 LAUSD Parent Student Handbook
Remember our six BT Guiding Principles:
Remember our six BT Guiding Principles:
1. Respect
- I treat others the way I want to be treated.
- I respect laws, rules, and school authority.
- I am polite and respect others when
- I collaborate with my classmates.
- I respect public and private property.
2. Responsibility
- I take responsibility for my actions.
- I choose how I respond to others.
- I return what I borrow.
3. Appreciation of Differences
- I look for the good in others.
- I respect each person’s right to be different.
- I see cultural diversity as an opportunity for learning.
4. Honesty
- I am honest with myself and others.
- I avoid spreading rumors and gossip.
5. Safety
- I engage in safe activities.
- I keep my body and mind healthy.
6. Professionalism
- I am punctual, positive and ready to work by bringing books and supplies.
- I am dressed appropriately for school and dress for success every Wednesday.
- I use professional language in both the classroom and hallway.
- I use technology and social media appropriately and professionally.